Introduction to the Tidyverse

Introduction to the Tidyverse. This is an introduction to the programming language R, focused on a powerful set of tools known as the «tidyverse». In the course you’ll learn the intertwined processes of data manipulation and visualization through the tools dplyr and ggplot2. You’ll learn to manipulate data by filtering, sorting and summarizing a real dataset of historical country data in order to answer exploratory questions. You’ll then learn to turn this processed data into informative line plots, bar plots, histograms, and more with the ggplot2 package. This gives a taste both of the value of exploratory data analysis and the power of tidyverse tools. This is a suitable introduction for people who have no previous experience in R and are interested in learning to perform data analysis.

Course: Introduction to the Tidyverse (4 hours)

Download Stament of Accomplishemnt in PDF (Certificate Number 6583098)

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